Is every article with a yes/no question title answerable with a No?

I’ve recently noticed—ok, that’s a lie—somebody noticed quite some time ago that all flashy, click-batty articles that start with a question in their title can be easily answerable with a No.

Did You Know That Kids Can Get Sick From Their Pets?

Will The Market Stay Stable After I Retire?

Has People Been Thinking About What Children Will Be Thinking If We Keep On Focusing Solely On Our Biased Moral Guidelines Instead Of Allowing Them To Grow Up?

Does She Like Me?

It’s a good rule of thumb. It works most of the time, or sometimes, or, actually, it will depend on the title. Yeah, let’s go with that. In reality, the truth value, the answer, depends on what is being asked.

Well, I want to claim that even that is a lie. It is in fact impossible to answer this post’s question irrefutably.

Gotta love Russell’s paradox :).

Note (just 20 minutes later): darn it! The question asked in the title is actually answerable lol. Well, that happens when you try to be smartypants about your logic in a blogpost.