Understanding Higher Rank Polymorphism: A small guide using Typed Lambda Calculus

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on type systems. I was just trying to figure out what “higher rank polymorphism” means and found useful to use some ad-hoc Typed Lambda Calculus. For what I’ve been reading for the last hour, all “code” below is in something close to “System F” (wikipedia, and an in-depth explanation of System F with an interpreter and actual runnable code).

As I understand, Typed Lambda Calculus is the basis of Haskell, so it makes sense to try to understand what something means in Haskell by studying it first in Typed Lambda Calculus. That is why, I have written this little guide to understand “Higher Rank Polymorphism” using Typed Lambda Calculus.

For those of you who don’t know what Lambda Calculus is, I’ve written a micro-introduction below. If you know what Lambda Calculus is, jump ahead to the Typed Lambda Calculus Explanation section.

Lambda Calculus

In the 1920’s, at the same time that Turing was formulating his "Turing Machine", another guy called Alonzo Church (a friend of Turing) was also working in the problem of computability. Alonzo formulated what we know now as lambda calculus. Church and Turing proved that both formulations were equivalent, meaning that anything you can do with a Turing Machine can be done with Lambda Calculus. Basically, Haskell and C have the same power to compute anything[1].

In Lambda Calculus we have terms. Terms are:

  • Variables. They are denoted by single characters, e.g., x, a, w, …

  • Abstractions. They are like function definitions, we build an abstraction using a variable and a term. Abstractions are denoted by (λx.M) (where x is a variable and M a term).

  • Applications. Abstractions let us build bigger terms, and applications let us apply terms to abstractions.

    For example, (λx.x+1) 2 is an application of (λx.x+1) with the term 2. When we reduce[2] this application we get[3] the term 2+1[4]. Applications are denoted by two terms and a space! How weird is that! I mean, this E M, this (λx.x+1) 2, and this y (λx.x**2) are all valid applications (terms) in lambda calculus[5].

With Lambda Calculus we can do many interesting things, but it’s a little cumbersome and verbose. For example, to calculate the factorial using only Lambda Calculus, we must defined all the following terms:

true = \x y . x
false = \x y . y
0 = \f x . x
1 = \f x . f x
succ = \n f x . f(n f x)
pred = \n f x . n(\g h . h (g f)) (\u . x) (\u .u)
mul = \m n f . m(n f)
is0 = \n . n (\x . false) true
Y = \f . (\x . x x)(\x . f(x x))
fact = Y(\f n . (is0 n) 1 (mul n (f (pred n))))
4 = (succ (succ (succ 1)))

With these definitions in place, we can compute the factorial of 4 by reducing the expression fact 4.

I’ve taken the code above from Ben Lynn’s notes on Lambda Calculus. You can even try to run the same example right on Lynn’s page (click on the button that says Factorial).

That’s a pain on the guts to read and understand (unless you’re into that kind of stuff ;)). That’s why I’m taking some liberties here forward to extend this Lambda Calculus with numbers, strings and booleans and their respective operations. Plus recursion and if-else statements. With these extensions, it’s easy to write factorial:

fact = \x. if (x=0) 1 (x * fact (x-1))

To continue with the factorial example, let’s reduce the application fact 4:

fact 4
// replacing fact for definition
       = (λx.if (x=0) 1 (x*fact (x-1))) 4
// β-reduction
       = if (4=0) 1 (4*fact (4-1))
// if rule applied, 4 != 0
       = 4 * fact (4-1)
// replacing fact for definition
       = 4 * (λx.if (x=0) 1 (x*fact (x-1))) (4-1)
// β-reduction
       = 4 * if (4-1=0) 1 ((4-1)*fact (4-1-1))
// if rule applied, 4-1 != 0
       = 4 * (4-1) * fact (4-1-1)
// ...
       = 4 * (4-1) * (λx.if (x=0) 1 (x*fact (x-1))) (4-1-1)
       = 4 * (4-1) * if (4-1-1=0) 1 ((4-1-1)*fact (4-1-1-1))
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * fact (4-1-1-1)
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * (λx.if (x=0) 1 (x*fact (x-1))) (4-1-1-1)
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * if (4-1-1-1=0) 1 ((4-1-1-1)*fact (4-1-1-1-1))
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * (4-1-1-1) * fact (4-1-1-1-1)
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * (4-1-1-1) * (λx.if (x=0) 1 (x*fact (x-1))) (4-1-1-1-1)
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * (4-1-1-1) * if (4-1-1-1-1=0) 1 ((4-1-1-1-1)*fact (4-1-1-1-1-1))
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * (4-1-1-1) * 1
       = 4 * (4-1) * (4-1-1) * 1 * 1
       = 4 * (4-1) * 2 * 1 * 1
       = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 * 1
       = 24

Well, that’s nice, and “simple” too. Because that is a bit annoying to do by hand, I wrote a Python script reduce the expression for me. You can find the code in here[6].

Typed Lambda Calculus

Lambda Calculus is nice but it lacks types, and as we know from Haskell, types are awesome! When we have types, we can ask the compiler/interpreter to dectect if what we’re saying is coherent or not. Fortunately adding types to lambda calculus is quite simple and intuitive. As any good professor I’ll give it to you as an exercise for home, or better it’s trivial and left to the reader to finish (take that calculus[8] books :P).

Do you remember that we use λ to create an abstraction using a variable and a term? Well, in Typed Lambda Calculus[9] we use the character Λ to create an “abstraction” where the left side holds not a variable but a type variable. For example:


it’s the equivalent lambda expression to λx.x in untyped lambda calculus.

Applications are now of two kinds: applications for terms and applications for types. These two types of applications look the same and have the same semantic rules from before. For example, the application (ΛT.λx:T.x) Int 5[10] reduces to:

(ΛT.λx:T.x) Int 5
= (λx:Int.x) 5 // beta-reduction
= 5:Int // beta-reduction

Note that the type of the whole expression ΛT.λx:T.x is ∀X.(X->X). This means that when we apply any type X to whole the term, we get a new term with type X->X. Thus, in Typed Lambda Calculus we have that any term, with and without type variables, has a type. Let’s look at some other Typed Lambda Calculus terms:

λx:Int.x+1            // with type: Int -> Int
λx:String.x<>" text"  // String -> String
λx:String.x+1         // String -> String, this definition is inconsistent with + which is defined for numbers only (at least for this explanation)
ΛT.λx:Int.x           // ∀T.(Int->Int)
ΛX. ΛY. λx:X. λy:Y. x // ∀X.∀Y.X->Y->X

Take a close look at that last example and make sure you understand it. Tip: I’ve gain some insight by working backwards, reading the type definition ∀X.∀Y.X->Y->X and trying to create the term definition.

Let’s apply some types and terms to the lambda expressions above:

(λx:Int.x+1) 5                // Int
(λx:String.x<>" text") "some" // String
(λx:String.x+1) "more text"   // failure!!! type mismatch of x:String and operator (+):Int->Int->Int
(ΛT.λx:Int.x) String 4        // Int

(ΛX. ΛY. λx:X. λy:Y. x) Int          // ∀Y.Int->Y->Int
(ΛX. ΛY. λx:X. λy:Y. x) Int String   // Int->String->Int
(ΛX. ΛY. λx:X. λy:Y. x) Int String 5 // Int

Higher Rank Polymorphism

Before we explore Higher Rank Polymorphism, I would like to ask you to give me the type definition of some haskell functions in Typed Lambda Calculus. For that, we will need to translate Haskell code into Typed Lambda Calculus, and get the type definition from there. For example, the process to get the type of map on Typed Lambda Calculus would be:

Translate map into Typed Lambda Calculus

Given the definition of map:

map _ []     = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

we can rewrite it as the Untyped Lambda expression[11]:

map = λf.λxs.if (xs=nil) nil (cons ((f (car xs)) (map f (cdr xs))))

Notice, how the lack of pattern matching on lambda expressions forces us to check if the list is empty. In case the list is empty, we return an empty list, otherwise we return a new list with the application of the function to the first element and a recursive call to map for the rest of the list. If we were to write the expression back into Haskell, we’d get:

map f xs = if null xs
            then []
            else f (head xs) : map f (last xs)

Anyway, if we add the necessary types we would get[13]:

map = ΛX.ΛY.λf:X->Y.λxs:[X].if (xs=nil) nil (cons ((f (car xs)) (map f (cdr xs))))

with type:


Here is where I want you to notice how this type looks very similar to the haskell type for map:

Prelude> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

but there is no ∀X.∀Y. in that haskell type, or is there? Yeah, it is there, but it is implicit. You can define you’re own map function and specify the type you want for it using forall in the type definition (available in the extension RankNTypes):

$ ghci -XRankNTypes
Prelude> let rmap f xs = if null xs then [] else f (head xs) : rmap f (tail xs); rmap :: forall a. forall b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]

Notice the type definition rmap :: forall a. forall b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b], it’s very similar to the type of our Typed Lambda expression. Unfortunatelly, Haskell ignores all forall's (when they’re rank 1), so we get in console the type:

Prelude> :t rmap
rmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

By the way, functions with forall in their type definition are called polymorphic.

More Typed Lambda expressions

Now, a little exercise for you. Find the type definitions for the following Haskell functions. Don’t forget to use forall in the definitions.

foldl _ z []     = z
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

const a _ = a

length []     = 0
length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs

fst (a, b) = a

The answers are:

foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
const :: forall a b. a -> b -> a
length :: forall a. [a] -> Int
fst :: forall a b. (a, b) -> a

Well, it wasn’t that hard, was it?

Higher Rank Polymorphism (finally)

What should be the type of weird (defined below) if we want to call it with parameters id 5 "ho"?

weird g a s = (g a, g s)

Our first guess could be:

weird :: forall x y. (x->x) -> y -> String -> (y, String)

but Haskell objects:

<interactive>:18:27: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘x’ with actual type ‘String’
      ‘x’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          weird :: forall x y. (x -> x) -> y -> String -> (y, String)
        at <interactive>:18:46
    • In the first argument of ‘g’, namely ‘s’
      In the expression: g s
      In the expression: (g a, g s)
    • Relevant bindings include
        g :: x -> x (bound at <interactive>:18:11)
        weird :: (x -> x) -> y -> String -> (y, String)
          (bound at <interactive>:18:5)

What does that mean? Basically, that x was expected to be of the type String. But the whole deal with foralls was to tell the type inference that x could be anything, not just String. weird should receive a polymorphic function x->x.

What the heck is happening?!

Well, to understand why that type doesn’t really work, we will rewrite our function as a Typed Lambda expression:

weird = ΛY. ΛX. λg:(X->X). λa:Y.  λs:String. (g a, g s)

with type (we hope):

∀Y.∀X.(X->X)->Y->String->(Y, String)

and try to reduce the application weird Int String (λb.b) 5 "ho":

weird Int String (λb.b) 5 "ho"
  = (ΛY. ΛX. λg:(X->X). λa:Y. λs:String. (g a, g s)) Int String (λb.b) 5 "ho"
  = (ΛX. λg:(X->X). λa:Int. λs:String. (g a, g s)) String (λb.b) 5 "ho"
  = (λg:(String->String). λa:Int. λs:String. (g a, g s)) (λb.b) 5 "ho"        // g:(λX.X) stops being polymorphic!!!
  = (λa:Int. λs:String. ((λb:String.b) a, (λb:String.b) s)) 5 "ho"
  = (λs:String. ((λb:String.b) (5:Int), (λb:String.b) s)) "ho"
  = ((λb:String.b) (5:Int), (λb:String.b) ("ho":String))
  FAIL!! 5 has type `Int` but (λb:String.b) requires 5 to be `String`

Now you know why it fails! Going from line 3 to 4 the type of g gets converted from what we expected to be polymorphic ∀X.X->X to String->String. What does this means is that we’re forcing to pick the type of X->X when we give the type of the first element a. At the end, the real type of the whole lambda expression is:

∀Y.∀X.(String->String)->String->String->(String, String)

to prove it, let’s reduce the expression weird String String (λb.b) "hi" "ho":

weird String String (λb.b) "hi" "ho"
  == (ΛY. ΛX. λg:(X->X). λa:Y. λs:String. (g a, g s)) String String (λb.b) "hi" "ho"
  == (ΛX. λg:(X->X). λa:String. λs:String. (g a, g s)) String (λb.b) "hi" "ho"
  == (λg:(String->String). λa:String. λs:String. (g a, g s)) (λb.b) "hi" "ho"
  == (λa:String. λs:String. ((λb:String.b) a, (λb:String.b) s)) "hi" "ho"
  == (λs:String. ((λb:String.b) "Hi":String, (λb:String.b) s:String)) "ho"
  == ((λb:String.b) ("Hi":String), (λb:String.b) ("ho":String))
  == (("Hi":String), (λb:String.b) ("ho":String))
  == ("Hi":String, "ho":String)

You may think, there is no way to make our function behave like we wanted to, but there is something we haven’t explored yet. We can define the type of g using ! Mmmm…, let’s see what happens if we rewrite our typed lambda expression to make g's definition polymorphic:

weird = ΛY. λg:(∀X.(X->X)). λa:Y. λs:String. (g Y a, g String s)

and now, the type of weird would be:

∀Y.(∀X.X->X)->Y->String->(Y, String)

Notice how g receives two parameters now! The first is the type and the second is a term. Reducing the application weird Int (ΛX.λb:X.b) 5 "hi" we get:

weird Int (ΛX.λb:X.b) 5 "hi"
  == (ΛY. λg:(∀X.(X->X)). λa:Y. λs:String. (g Y a, g String s)) Int (ΛX.λb:X.b) 5 "hi"
  == (λg:(∀X.(X->X)). λa:Int. λs:String. (g Int a, g String s)) (ΛX.λb:X.b) 5 "hi"
  == (λa:Int. λs:String. ((ΛX.λb:X.b) Int a, (ΛX.λb:X.b) String s)) 5 "hi"
  == (λs:String. ((ΛX.λb:X.b) Int 5, (ΛX.λb:X.b) String s)) "hi"
  == ((ΛX.λb:X.b) Int 5, (ΛX.λb:X.b) String "hi")
  == ((λb:Int.b) 5, (ΛX.λb:X.b) String "hi")
  == (5:Int, (ΛX.λb:X.b) String "hi")
  == (5:Int, (λb:String.b) "hi")
  == (5:Int, "hi":String)

Awesome. It worked! If we translate it back to Haskell, we get:

Prelude> let weird g a s = (g a, g s); weird :: forall y. (forall x. x->x) -> y -> String -> (y, String)


Prelude> weird id 5 "ho"
Prelude> :t weird id (5::Int) "ho"
weird id (5::Int) "ho" :: (Int, String)

weird is what is called a rank-2 polymorphic function ;). It’s rank-2 because it has a forall nested inside. By default Haskell doesn’t understand rank-2 functions, so to define them we need to use the GHC extension RankNTypes which we were using in the examples above.

Further readings:

  1. This is not actually truth because C is not Turing Complete, but for the sake of simplicity we will assume that C and Haskell are both Turing Complete. The main problem arises from C’s way to access to memory. C is limited by the size of pointers, which in theory limits it from being truly Turing Complete, but in practice is just as powerful as Haskell. For further discussion take a look at this fantastic thread in stack exchange: https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/60965/is-c-actually-turing-complete

  2. Lambda Calculus is like maths written on paper. You need an interpreter, which is often your head, that transforms a term into another term by applying a set of rules. In lambda calculus, there are two main rules to transform between different terms: alpha-conversion (renaming of variables inside an abstraction, e.g., (λy.y+1) can be alpha-converted into (λm.m+1) or (λz.z+1), …), and beta-reduction (takes the right side of an application and replaces all appeareances of the variable on the abstraction on the left side of the application, e.g., (λx.x+1) 2 gets beta-reduced into 2+1[4])

  3. Using beta-reduction.

  4. 2+1 can be further reduced to 3 by using the intuitive rule of adding, or if you want to be less pragmatic write 2, 1, +, and 2+1 as pure lambda calculus terms. Some guidence on that can be found in the wikipedia here. You nerds.

  5. Wait! That looks just like Haskell code! Well, it shouldn’t surprise us much, after all we can do this sum list (with list = [1..10], for example), this (\x->x+1) 2, and this y (\x->x**2) (with y f = f 3 or y = ($3), for example) in Haskell.

  6. Sorry if you see too many spelling mistakes on the Python script. I wrote the code some years ago for a class on “compilers”[7]. My English sucked at the time. Not that it doesn’t now, but it was way worse back then.

  7. ikr, shameless self-promotion.

  8. or should it be calculi? calculuses? calculus’s? calculises’???

  9. In System F to be more precise

  10. Note that I’m abusing (“extending”) again the notation of Lambda Calculus to add some simple and intuitive types like String, Int and Bool. Also, I need to aknowledge this awesome post which got me thinking on type Lambda Calculus and Higher Order Polymorphism.

  11. cons, car and cdr are simple functions to operate with tuples in languages like lisp. cons creates a new tuple from two values, car and cdr take a tuple and return its first element and second element, respectively[12]. Lisp was designed directly from Untyped Lambda Calculus, thus it’s easier to write an expression first in Lisp and then translate it into a Lambda expresion of Untyped Lambda Calculus.

  12. We may think that the “equivalents” of cons, car and cdr in haskell would be (,), fst and snd, but they aren’t! They behave different to the original Lisp definitions. It is not possible to create a list in Haskell using only (,)'s (unless you wrapped (,) in a newtype definition and did some trickery), i.e., this fails in Haskell: range n m = if n>m then () else (n, range (n+1) m), but this works just fine in lisp: (defun range (n m) (cons n (range (+ n 1) m))).

  13. You know the drill already. I’m extending the typed lambda calculus with lists. Their type is represented by the type [] a or [a] (which has kind: unary type constructor[14]).

  14. Kinds are another extension to Lambda Calculus which give us the power to parametrize types. It’s another whole topic (and to be honest, I don’t get it completely), you can find more info in the wikipedia.